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Important Reminder:

Home Care Package
Provider Obligations


We greatly value the partnerships we have with our brokered providers and the commitment you have shown in delivering high-quality care to our clients. As a trusted Home Care Package provider, it is crucial that we maintain the highest standards of service to ensure the well-being of our clients and uphold our reputation within the community.

With that in mind, this communication is a reminder to all our brokered service providers of their obligations regarding three critical aspects of service delivery:

1. Upholding Infection Control Requirements:

It is of utmost importance that all our service providers strictly adhere to infection control requirements. This includes compliance with applicable state workplace health and safety laws and regulations including infection prevention and control and working within notified workplace health and safety programs and having systems for risk identification.

Please ensure that your staff members are well-informed and consistently follow best practices in infection prevention and control. This includes but is not limited to proper hand hygiene, wearing appropriate personal protective equipment – including masks at the request of the client (even when there is no indication for a mask to be worn), and maintaining a clean environment during care provision.

2. Continuity of Care:

One of the cornerstones of our commitment to our clients is the assurance of continuity of care. We rely on you to provide uninterrupted services to our clients to ensure their well-being and comfort. Please review your processes to ensure that contingency plans are in place to handle any unforeseen circumstances that may temporarily disrupt care delivery. Our client’s peace of mind depends on your ability to provide seamless care transitions when necessary.

3. Regular Training on Quality Standards:

To maintain the high quality of care our clients deserve, it is essential that all staff receives regular training on quality standards. This includes ongoing education about best practices, changes in regulations, and client-specific requirements. Please take proactive measures to keep your team well-trained and up-to-date with the latest industry standards.


We understand the challenges you may face in meeting these obligations, however your dedication to fulfilling them is crucial for the well-being of our shared clients. If you require any assistance to support your efforts in these areas, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team – procurement@careconnect.org.au . We are here to help ensure your success in providing quality care and services.

We appreciate your ongoing partnership and commitment to maintaining the highest standards of care within our network. Together, we can continue to make a positive difference in the lives of our clients.

Thank you for your attention to these important reminders.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.

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For more information about the many ways Care Connect can enable you and your loved ones to continue to live safely and happily at home and in the community, get in touch today for friendly, expert advice.

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