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Independent Advice

Independent advice when you need it

Getting the right independent home care advice and guidance is an important part of having choice and control over your own life. At Care Connect, we offer completely independent advice to help you spend your Home Care Package the way you want to.

Our Client Advisers are specialists in linking you to services, navigating home care packages and the Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP), helping you apply, and managing the package so you get the most out of it. Unlike other services, we also actively seek free activities and services for you, and are experts in sourcing extra funds from charities, foundations and government channels to purchase larger items you may need.

We know home services, and we’ll bring our experience and knowledge to help you.

Discuss your needs

We start the process by discussing your needs to learn what is important to you. We listen to your stories and discuss your current circumstances, strengths, support networks and any wishes or concerns you may have arising from your physical, medical, social and/or psychological needs. You’ll find us friendly, welcoming and responsive. And we’ll always respect your privacy and ensure confidentiality of your information.

Develop a Care Plan that works for you now and in the future

There are a range of options available for support and we can help you identify these. You can ask for family, friends, carers or community members to be involved in the process. Together, we can map out a care plan that works for you. We will help you set goals for health and well-being, and arrange services that will support these goals.

Organise the right services and support for you

We will organise the services and support you need, and then find a suitable provider from our extensive network of quality partners. Traditionally known as ‘case management’, this process is undertaken by our experienced Client Advisers. With over 20 years experience as independent advisers, we have built up connections with hundreds of service providers to deliver your services at home. If we don’t have the service you’re looking for, then we’ll find it for you. There is no other organisation in Australia with as wide a network of trusted homecare providers as Care Connect.

Make sure you receive those services and support

Once your services are in place, we will make sure you are actually receiving them correctly, and in line with your care plan. We will check that the quality of these services is right for you and adjust them as you request, and as your circumstances change.

Check your progress

We’ll keep in touch on a regular basis to make sure you are benefiting from the services and support you are getting. To that end we review everything with you and your chosen network. We will also revisit your goals and adjust your plans to ensure they continue meet your needs.

If you have a question

Our support team will have the answer

For more information about the many ways Care Connect can enable you and your loved ones to continue to live safely and happily at home and in the community, get in touch today for friendly, expert advice.

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