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Allied Health Services

Help to connect your health services

If you have recently been hospitalised for illness or a procedure or need rehabilitation support for recovery from an injury, you are likely to need the advice of several different health specialists. Allied health professionals are all those who work with doctors to care for your health.

Care Connect have the largest network of trusted service providers, so we can connect you with the health professional you need. Whether it is a speech therapist, podiatrist, physiotherapist or any other allied health professional, we can provide you with details or arrange the appointment and transport for you. It will depend on your personalised care plan as to whether these services can be paid for with your Home Care Package funds.

Care Connect can help you access:

  • speech therapy, optometry*, podiatry, audiology* or nutrition services
  • emotional support, including psychology or counselling services
  • rehabilitation support, such as occupational therapy or physiotherapy.


*Care Connect can help provide access to optometry and audiology; however, your Home Care Package cannot fund these services.

Will I need a referral?

You will need a referral for before meeting with allied health professionals, and Care Connect can help you arrange this. Without a referral, you may not be seen or covered by Medicare. Arranging your referral will avoid delays and out-of-pocket expenses. Depending on your circumstances, you must access either Medicare or your Home Care Package funds to cover costs, but not both.

Your healthcare advocate

Often, Care Connect find our clients need help from someone who knows how the system works. With decades of experience in helping clients access health care, we know all about referrals, waiting lists, public and private services and eligibility for free services. We can cut through the maze for you because we know what’s available and how to get it.

The team at Care Connect was extremely helpful and I am very grateful for the care and support I was given. I could not have gotten by without their help post hospital.


If you have a question

Our support team will have the answer

For more information about the many ways Care Connect can enable you and your loved ones to continue to live safely and happily at home and in the community, get in touch today for friendly, expert advice.

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