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Managing your Home Care Package

Managing your Home Care Package

Your Care Manager

Your Care Connect Care Manager will be your personal contact for all your home care needs. They will visit you to discuss your needs and options, and work out a comprehensive care plan with you to spend your package funds on the services you need and choose. They will check in with you, and undertake an annual review of your care plan as your needs and situation can change over time.

Our Care Managers work with you. They will give you independent advice and guidance about the services and options available to you, and help you manage your Home Care Package the way you want. Find out more about our Care Manager.

Your care plan and budget

Your care plan is all about you. When you meet with your Care Manager, you can talk about your home care needs and together identify your health and lifestyle goals, and the services you need to achieve those. Your care plan will outline these goals and the services you have chosen. For your satisfaction and speed, we will connect you with support and services available through our extensive network.

When you map out your care plan with your Care Manager, you will work within the budget of your Home Care Package.

Your available funds are made up of:

  • The government subsidy (level 1- 4)
  • Any government supplement (Veterans, oxygen, enteral feeding, dementia)
  • Your income-tested care fee
  • Any personal contribution you choose to make.


Your package expenses will include:

  • Administration costs
  • Care Management  – creating and reviewing your care plan with you, and the ongoing contact with your Care Manager.
  • Service and support costs – to manage all your home care services and coordinate equipment or supplies.
  • Contingency – some clients allocate an amount each month to be ‘saved’ towards larger purchases or periodic expenses such as spring cleaning or longer social outings.

Following a home visit and once you have signed your Home Care Agreement, we will prepare your care plan. The budget allocation of your Home Care Package will be provided once services have been established. You will also be sent a monthly statement that shows exactly how your package is being spent.

For further information please visit our Home Care Package pricing page.

If you have a question

Our support team will have the answer

For more information about the many ways Care Connect can enable you and your loved ones to continue to live safely and happily at home and in the community, get in touch today for friendly, expert advice.

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