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Aged Care & Home Care Services forum in Melbourne a great success.

Our first Aged Care and Home Care Services forum in Ringwood, Melbourne last Tuesday was a great success. Guests were keen to understand how to access a Home Care Package, what in home care services are available and how to stay independently living at home instead of going into retirement living.

Many attendees wanted to continue living at home as they age, but were not sure how they could do that. The forums aim to help them find the information so that they can make decisions for themselves.

We will continue to run the forums across locations in Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland. Visit the Care Connect website to register for upcoming events.

Here is what attendees had to say about the night:

At the Home Care Services forum in Melbourne “The only thing we knew prior to this forum was that your only option was going into a retirement village. We have got to the stage in our lives where the jobs are getting a bit big – and like many people we find it hard to ask for help. We learnt on the night that there are many services we can access to help us stay living at home longer.”

Colin (left) and Jean (right) with Paul, CEO, Care Connect (centre)


Don & Velda at the Home Care Services forum with Velda in Melbourne“We learnt that at every stage along the way there is someone who can help us. When we don’t know the next step there is someone who knows what questions to ask.”

Don and Velda with Nes (right) , Care Connect Client Adviser


“I learnt some really important information about paying for my funeral upfront to save money.”



“I found the information very good and want to do an aged care assessment in the next few weeks.




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