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A Home Care Package can help you stay living in your own home

On 27 October Larry James from Golden Days Radio invited our CEO Paul Ostrowski on to his show to talk about the Commonwealth’s Home Care Packages and how they can help people stay living at home longer.

Paul explained what a Home Care Package is and how to access one. He talked about the services people can receive through one and how important it is to choose a provider that offers independent advice and true guidance.

Paul says “It is possible for so many people to stay living independently in their home for their entire lives…

“People are familiar with council services funded by the councils, the state government and by the Commonwealth. But as things become more complex and you need a broader range of support to stay at home there are Home Care Packages. They are like miniature government grants that come in four different levels to help people at the early stages needing home support up to quite complex support including home nursing.

“There are a very large number of providers out there that work with these Home Care Packages. But there are organisations like Care Connect which specifically exist as advisers. We do not sell the services ourselves, we act as an independent adviser…we sit with someone, learn about what is important for them, build a plan so they can stay in their own home and then find the services in their local community to buy with their package to make that independence possible.”

To listen to the full interview click here.

To find out how we can help you access a Home Care Package or if you want to bring your Home Care Package to us call us on 1800 MYCHOICE (Free call 1800 692 464).

Paul Ostrowski, CEO, Care Connect


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