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Helping bring hope and peace of mind to Hilda

Hilda had always found happiness in the company of other people. Born in Lithuania, and the mother of two children, she loved her daily outings, especially shopping in op shops with her daughter, Selina, and playing cards at her local bowls club. Hilda really enjoyed her life in Australia.

When Hilda was diagnosed with dementia Selina searched for a community care provider to manage Hilda’s Home Care Package. When Selina contacted us, Val one of our Client Advisers organised a visit with Hilda and Selina in their home.

Val, who has a background in nursing and personal care, enjoys working with people, and values the opportunity to help people and their families experiencing difficulties in their lives. “At Care Connect we really care about the people we serve,” she says. “Our clients, their family and friends. They are what’s important.”

Hilda and Selina immediately liked Val, a ‘calm and caring’ person who sat with them and listened to their story. Val, who believes establishing trust and keeping trust at the heart of her role, listened to what Hilda and Selina needed, writing down everything into Hilda’s care plan. “I try to directly quote our clients as much as possible,” says Val. “Being accurate is crucial. With Hilda it was about what services and supports she needed to remain living independently at home. It was important that mother and daughter could relax and enjoy their lives.”

With Hilda’s home care services in place and working well, Selina wrote to Val saying, “I am so thankful for you Val, how you brought hope and relief into mum’s life and my life. You always graciously gave us quality attention, genuinely cared and always went above and beyond to enhance our lives to make a difficult period easier, which I always deeply appreciated.”

To find out how we can help you access a Home Care Package, or if your want to bring your Home Care Package to us, please call us on 1800 MYCHOICE (free call 1800 692 464).


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