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Laurette – helping people in her community live at home, longer

Most older Australians want to keep living at home as they age, enjoying their life with family and friends, and staying close to their community. So people are delighted when they discover that a Home Care Package can help them stay living at home for life.

Laurette has worked at Care Connect in Accounts Payable for 14 years. She knows first hand how hard our Client Advisers work to provide truly independent advice and the widest choice of providers and services. She is also aware that many older adults in her community don’t know there were government funds to help people stay living at home instead of needing to go into residential care.

“Knowing how we help people live at home with the support of a Home Care Package I decided it was time my community knew more about what they are and how to get one” says Laurette.

Laurette talked with her Care Connect team as well as the president of the Australasian Coptic Society, and together they organised a presentation day.

“Fifty people from my community attended the presentation. They were thrilled to find out that a Home Care Package can help them receive home care services. They also learnt that there are four Home Care Package levels – from basic to intermediate to high care” says Laurette.

The presentation was a success with attendees asking our Client Advisers how to apply for a Home Care Package and what the wait list times were.

“Most of the people who attended the event applied for a package and those who were successful in getting one chose Care Connect as their home care provider. I’ve always believed that success is connected to action so I’m really glad we organised that meeting. It has really changed people’s lives in my community for the better.”

If you would like us to come and talk with your community/group about how you can stay living independently at home please call us on 1800 MYCHOICE (Free call 1800 692 464).


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