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Modifications to consider that will increase mobility around your home

Many elderly Australians are choosing to stay in their homes for as long as possible. However, as the years take their toll on eyesight, stability and mobility, it’s essential to make proactive home modifications to ensure the safety and comfort on a daily basis. Home modifications are equally as important for anyone that has mobility issues and needs assistance to carry out their daily tasks.

Here are some examples that can increase mobility in your home:


Steps or hills that lead to your home can be difficult to navigate and become essential when wheelchairs and walkers become a necessity. A ramp will allow easy access to your house, whilst keeping you safe from falls in the process. It may also be necessary to install indoor ramps to make moving around your home in a wheelchair more accessible.

Widen doorways

Doorways should be widened to accommodate walkers and wheelchairs, particularly in areas you use most such as the kitchen, bathrooms and bedrooms.

Grab rails

Grab rails installed along walls will provide you with welcome support and added confidence as you navigate you home. Rails are crucial to prevent falls.


Toss out any thick or shaggy carpets which may cause you to trip, and remember that thin rugs can slide underfoot, so either uses a non-slip mat underneath or remove them from the home altogether. Choose to the floor with a slight texture and doesn’t get slippery when wet. Make sure all joins in doorways are level with the floor because raised areas could also cause falls.

Kitchen modifications

Lower bench surfaces, sinks and cupboards for easy access from a wheelchair. This is an essential modification to prevent injury from spillage of hot substances when you’re forced to reach higher than you should be. Any spills on the floor could also make it slippery and dangerous.

Bathroom modifications

Bathroom renovations will enable you to have privacy and hold onto your dignity. Consider replacing the bath with a walk-in shower, or if this is too costly, a bath chair is also effective. Support grip bars are essential in the bathroom and should be placed next to the toilet, the shower and the bath. Non-slip flooring is a must-have in the bathroom.

Care Connect can organise an assessment for your home and recommend possible modifications that will allow you to go about your daily tasks with ease. Get in contact with us today for more info.


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