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A new lease on life

When Pauline was born, her mother was 43 and her father was 53. Growing up with older parents and a mother who worked as a nurse, Pauline developed a strong desire and love of looking after
people. This sense of devotion to both community and family led to a rewarding career in social work, followed by pursuing her passion in interior design for 8 years.

It was only a few years ago following an accident in which she injured her back that Pauline’s mental, physical and emotional health started to deteriorate. She felt trapped in her home and unable to see beyond the end of the day.

That changed when she met her Client Adviser, Jessica Johnston. With the help of Jessica and her own determination to do more, Pauline was able to use her Home Care package to achieve small goals like receive assistance around the home and attending regular physiotherapy sessions to help with her back pain. This then allowed her to work towards her larger community based goals, and applying as a volunteer at Nazareth House, an aged care facility not far from her home. Now, Pauline is able to pursue something she has wanted to do for a long time — to go to school and study.

Determined to get the degree she always wanted, and despite the fact that there weren’t many courses on offer, Pauline was motivated to look at free online courses following a conversation with a Care Connect staff member. She discovered MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) and started an eight week online course in Understanding Dementia.

At the end of the course, she received a certificate, and was prompted to continue with a second MOOC in Preventing Dementia. In July, she will be starting a bachelor’s degree in Dementia Care, a course that will go for seven years, part time.

‘I’ve got a purpose,’ Pauline says, and that purpose is to bring care and happiness to older people who are less fortunate. Moreover, Pauline wants to utilise her education as a tool to better comprehend how dementia affects the elderly and how it can be possible to prevent dementia. ‘I feel privileged to have the HCP,’ she says humbly. Not only is Pauline humble, but she is also unyielding in the ways that her Home Care package can help with her education, beaming with pride when she tells us of her new laptop purchase, which will assist in her online studies.

Though Pauline is fiercely independent, she admits that her Client Adviser Jessica gave her a new lease on life. ‘She’s totally supportive,’ Pauline says, with the special and important relationship between client and Client Adviser visible in Pauline’s eyes and smile.

Pauline has overcome an incredible battle with her pain and depression to reach a point where she has hope. “Not a day goes by when I think I’ve only got so much left to be the best I can” she comments. As her Home Care Package provider, Care Connect are privileged to help her achieve her best. We are right behind you Pauline and wish you success with your studies and more.





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