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ARE YOU COVID SAFE? Care Connect is here to help you! 

Australia will move slowly to ease restrictions, cautious of a second wave of Coronavirus cases. “Although we are now seriously looking at what measures could be relaxed … we are very cautious about the need to move slowly,” Chief Medical Officer Brendan Murphy told reporters in Canberra yesterday. “The lessons we have learnt from overseas is that if you go too quickly and open up things too quickly, you can get a second wave.”  Some states have already started to ease restrictions and the national cabinet will on Friday consider lifting some broader curbs.

However, Prime Minister Scott Morrison has said relaxing restrictions would depend on Australians signing up for the COVIDSafe app, which uses Bluetooth connections to determine who infected people have come into close contact with. 4.25 million people have now registered for the app after it was launched a week ago. “Clearly we need to keep downloads and registrations increasing. We think there are about 16 million adults with smartphones – they’re our target population.” he said.


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