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Message from the CEO

Since our last update, the COVID-19 pandemic has taken a firm hold. Hundreds of thousands of lives have been lost across the globe, including the lives of more than 100 Australians, where the crisis has been managed well in comparison to some.

Whilst this is far from the world’s first pandemic, it’s the first of this scale of most of our lifetimes. This is indeed a challenging time for us all, but I have personally witnessed how it has brought us together as a global community, shown us how connected we are and how much we depend on each other.

Care Connect’s remote operation has proven successful, and we have not experienced any major disruptions to our service. We continue to do the best we can to make a positive impact on your lives, and to assist you to move through this period by helping to maintain your wellbeing and independence, in a moment-in-time when there are no easy solutions.

Our team always follow the strictest hygiene and safety protocols, as prescribed by the Australian Department of Health and the States in which we operate, and we are closely monitoring developments as they are released by the Australian Government.

We remain committed to communicating with you via letter or email when there are significant developments that we feel you need to know. If you are internet enabled, please also follow us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/careconnectaustralia, or keep on top of the latest Coronavirus news on this page.

Earlier this month, the government released a three-step roadmap intended to bring the country back into some form of ‘normality’. This plan will be reviewed federally every three weeks, with states and territories moving at their own pace through the steps, depending on local circumstances.

We are currently at ‘Step 1’ which enables greater connection with friends, family and the re-opening of some community facilities such as libraries and cafés — please call ahead to check opening times. Despite this, Chief Medical Officer, Brendan Murphy, has asked all Australians to maintain social distancing and good hygiene so that we don’t “lose the battle that we have won so well so far.”

We have connected with some inspiring Australians over the past few months. You can find out how our community has been managing through COVID-19, and read how one nonagenarian reminds us of the opportunity we have for reflection and to really focus on things that are important, in the ‘Client Stories’ section of our Care Connect website. We are so proud to be able to continue to support such active and independent Australians.

It’s not often that we are aware we’re in a historical moment as it’s happening, but this is one of those times — and the story is still being written. We want to reassure you that Care Connect will be with you every step of the way as we embark on the journey of recovery, together.

Stay safe, stay well, stay independent and take care.

Yours sincerely,

Paul Ostrowski
Chief Executive Officer


IMPORTANT NOTE: So we can keep you up to date as the situation evolves, kindly ensure that we have your  mobile phone number and email address as soon as possible by: Submitting an enquiry from the Contact Us page on this website; Sending an email to info@careconnect.org.au; or by calling us on 1300 866 228.  Please quote your client ID in your communications with us.


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