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Undoubtedly you have been following the news regarding the second-wave of Coronavirus (COVID-19), including the recent upgrade to stage three restrictions that have been applied in areas of Victoria until at least 16th August, and the tightening of restrictions across New South Wales.  Whilst this is a trying time for our fellow Australians, we can assure you that we will continue to monitor the wellbeing of all of our clients and provide in-home care to the best of our ability.


Your health and safety remains our priority and, whatever your situation, we encourage you to continue to keep up your hygiene and social distancing practices, and to avoid unnecessary travel.


It is essential to continue your in-home care: It is also important that you continue to receive in-home care services.  This support is essential and as significant as protecting yourself from Coronavirus.


We follow the strictest hygiene and safety protocols, as prescribed by the Australian Department of Health and the states in which we operate, and work closely with our preferred care providers, to ensure that anyone visiting your home is taking the necessary measures to protect you from Coronavirus.


Staying safe and virus free: Most of the time, neither you nor your care worker will need to wear personal protective equipment (PPE) however, guidance can suddenly change as is the situation in Victoria – where, effective midnight tonight, it is mandatory for all residents of metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire, to wear masks or face coverings when outside their homes.  People who do not follow this guidance can potentially be fined $200.


Care workers in Victoria and the LGAs of Liverpool, Campbelltown, Camden, Wingecarribee and Wollondilly, in South Western Sydney must now also wear a surgical mask when providing any in-home care service.


For those of you that are either mandated to wear or want to voluntarily wear a mask, there are both cloth and surgical masks available on the market, however masks do not have to be hospital grade and can be home made.  We have uploaded instructions for making a home made mask on this page here. If you are not able to make a mask yourself, please feel free to share with a friend or loved one who may be able to help.


You can rest assured that we keep up to date with developments and recommendations, especially in relation to your wellbeing, and will communicate with you if there are any changes that will affect your care or support.


If you experience even the mildest Coronavirus symptoms, we encourage you to get tested.  For the latest information about symptoms, testing centres and health alerts, please visit: www.health.gov.au or call the national Coronavirus Hotline 1800 020 080.


Please remember to always ask the following screening questions, and only allow someone into your home if the answer is “NO”:

Have you or someone else in your home:

  • been diagnosed with coronavirus or suspected of having coronavirus?
  • had close contact with someone diagnosed with coronavirus or who is suspected to have coronavirus in the last 14 days?
  • travelled interstate, overseas or been on a cruise ship in the last 14 days?
  • been advised by a healthcare professional to undertake mandatory isolation?
  • felt unwell or had any symptoms of illness within the last 7 days?

We would also appreciate it if you could continue to be vigilant by letting us know if you (or a close family member or person that you have been in contact with) are being, or have been, tested for Coronavirus. If you receive a positive Coronavirus result and have been asked to isolate, please let us know immediately.


Help us to support you: The guidance around Coronavirus restrictions is constantly changing. To help us keep you up to date with the latest developments, please ensure that we have your email address and mobile telephone number on record.


Please get in touch with your Client Adviser or our care team on 1800 692 464 or via email to info@careconnect.org.au if you have any questions or if there is anything we can help you with.


Yours sincerely,

Paul Ostrowski
Chief Executive Officer



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