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Dear Providers,

We trust that you are staying safe and well, and thank you for continuing to be vigilant with COVID Safe service provision protocols, so that you can continue to ensure that your safety, and that of our clients, is a top priority.


Care Connect is supplementing masks for a short period of time when certain criteria is met e.g. a COVID-19 hotspot, type of service, and we have now commenced activating our mask payment as per my message on this page of 17 July, 2020 <please scroll down to view>.


Effective immediately, this supplement will be added  automatically to our payments to you. You will receive a reconciliation file which details the services and related mask supplements after each payment.


For past paid services, you would have recently received an email with a “Recipient Created Tax Invoice” (RCTI), which details the mask supplements if criteria for a mask supplement was met. Please be assured this is not an invoice from Care Connect to your organisation – these are auto generated self-invoices which we will pay to your designated bank account in the coming weeks.

If you have any queries, please email accountspayable@careconnect.org.au.


Please stay safe out there, and remember to follow service delivery protocols at all times – we are all in this together!


Take care,

Eileen Keane

General Manager, Service Delivery Partnerships



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