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REMAIN VIGILANT! SA enters 6-day lockdown.

As a 6-day “circuit breaker” lockdown starts across South Australia today, Care Connect reminds all Australians to remain vigilant as restrictions ease across the rest of the nation.

No matter where you live, it’s important to continue to practice good hand, cough and home hygiene, maintain social distancing, and stay at home and get tested if you feel any symptoms.  Anyone who has been in SA in the last 14 days can check the exposure sites listed on the SA Health website.

For Victorians, the wearing of a face mask is still also mandatory when out in public, and residents of Hume and Wyndham, with even the mildest symptoms, are being encouraged to get tested.

Care Connect continues to follow CovidSafe practices across all of the services it delivers, and follows all federal and state health advice and recommendations.

We send our best wishes to our fellow South Australians, where some of the toughest restrictions faced anywhere in Australia since the start of the coronavirus pandemic are now in place.

To read the latest news about the South Australia lockdown visit: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-11-19/sa-toughest-coronavirus-lockdown-comes-into-place/12897542


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