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Dear Provider,

The Coronavirus outbreak in Sydney’s Northern Beaches has resulted in repercussions nationwide, including tighter border control and the introduction of new levels of restrictions for people receiving or providing care, living in, or have visited the Greater Sydney area.

As per NSW Health instructions, with immediate effect and until further noticeALL client services delivered in NSW must be done so with the use of surgical  masks.  See today’s update from NSW Health here.

Our sector will be advised of any updates after the current advice is reviewed on the morning of Wednesday 23 December 2020 – as the pattern of the current outbreak is further understood by NSW Health.  If you provide care to our clients in NSW, it is your responsibility to check the NSW Health website on Wednesday, and to ensure that you continue to regularly monitor all applicable government health websites, and abide by service delivery requirements.

This is just the next phase in our response to the Coronavirus pandemic, and whether you are based in NSW, QLD or VIC, we remind you that we ALL need to remain vigilant and consistent when it comes to the correct use of PPE and COVIDSafe practices (hygiene, social distancing, screening process). This is essential to protect yourself and our clients.

Whilst Care Connect will endeavour to update the Provider Connect portal during the holiday period, ALL providers are reminded of their responsibility to follow Commonwealth guidance, and state and territory government requirements and directions, on the use of PPE and CovidSafe practices during the delivery of care.

If you have any queries or require any further information, please do not hesitate to get in touch via email at procurement@careconnect.org.au.

Kind regards,
Eileen Keane
General Manager, Service Delivery Partnerships


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