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Coronavirus pandemic in Queensland – 72-hour lockdown imposed in Greater Brisbane

From 6pm this evening until 6pm on Monday 11 January 2021, people who reside in the local government areas (LGAs) of Brisbane, Ipswich, Logan, Moreton Bay and Redlands will not be allowed to leave their homes for anything other than essential reasons such as: receiving or providing medical care, exercise (only in your local neighbourhood), work/volunteering or study that cannot be done remotely and shopping in your local area for food and necessary supplies.

Current advice is that you are not required to wear a mask whilst at home, but a mask must be worn if you leave your home and travel anywhere within these affected LGAs. Your in-home care provider will also be required to wear a mask when providing your care if you reside in one of these LGAs. 

These rules also apply for anyone who has been in the Greater Brisbane area since January 2, but have travelled elsewhere in the state.

No matter where you live, your health and safety remains our priority and it is essential that you continue your in-home care.  Rest assured that we follow the strictest hygiene and safety protocols, as prescribed by the Australian Department of Health, Queensland Health and all of the state authorities where we operate.  We also work closely with our preferred care providers to ensure that anyone visiting your home is taking the necessary measures to protect you from Coronavirus.

If you experience even the mildest symptoms, we encourage you to get tested.  For up to date information about testing centres in Queensland, please visit: https://www.qld.gov.au/health/conditions/health-alerts/coronavirus-covid-19/stay-informed/testing-and-fever-clinics

If you are concerned about your health, please contact your doctor or call 13HEALTH (13 43 25 84). Please also let us know if you (or a close family member or person that you have been in contact with) are being, or have been, tested for Coronavirus. If you receive a positive Coronavirus result and have been asked to isolate, please let us know immediately.

For more details on today’s story from the ABC online, please visit: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-01-08/coronavirus-queensland-lockdown-explained/13041766


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