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Dear Provider,

We trust you are keeping safe and well, and that you continue to remain vigilant when it comes to COVID-safe practices.


With community transmission of COVID-19 reoccurring in the northern suburbs of Melbourne, the VIC government has announced that FACE MASKS ARE REQUIRED INDOORS for all people in Greater Melbourne from 6pm today (Tuesday 25th May) until at least 4th June 2021.  This is a reminder to us all that the ongoing pandemic is here to stay for the foreseeable future.


It is important to note that Victorians visiting regional Victoria from Melbourne will also need to wear a face mask when indoors, even when outside of Metro Melbourne. Please continue to deliver services using the PPE mandated by the Commonwealth and state authorities.


In-home care remains an essential service in all states, including Victoria, and the safety of our clients is of the utmost importance.  Please remember to take care of yourselves too.  The Coronavirus pandemic has greatly changed the way we live.  Being aware of how you are feeling and knowing what you can do to look after your mental and physical wellbeing is an important part of staying healthy during this challenging time.


Whilst we endeavour to provide you with the latest updates and guidance, all Providers are reminded of their responsibility to follow Commonwealth guidance, and state and territory government requirements and directives.


Kind regards,

Eileen Keane

General Manager, Service Delivery Partnerships


Free call 1800 692 464

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