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Reminder to all providers

Reminder to all Victorian providers
7 May 2021

Please be reminded that the Victorian Government still requires masks to be worn when delivering service in the home.  We have seen some client complaints that their care worker is not always wearing a mask. The government communication is contained here


Updated advice from New South Wales Health for home care providers
7 May 2021

Please review the latest update from the NSW Department of Health here.

Key points:

There is a recent positive case of COVID-19 in the community with an unknown source. This case has travelled widely across metropolitan Sydney. Services to Care Connect clients should continue as usual. Some clients may opt to cancel and we will let you know if that occurs.

Effective 5pm Thursday May 6, 2021, the following restrictions occur:

  • Minimise staff working across multiple settings (such as in home and residential care). Where ceasing staff movement across settings is not practical, additional measures should be put in place, such as maintaining records of staff and work locations and increasing use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
  • Staff conducting home visits in the Greater Sydney area, including metropolitan Sydney, Nepean Blue Mountains, Central Coast and Wollongong, must wear a surgical mask at all times.
  • Ensure staff actively ask clients about symptoms on arrival. If staff become aware of a client with symptoms, that client should be isolated from others and arrangements made for COVID-19 testing.
  • Masks must be worn if transporting or servicing a client in a public space.

As usual, please exclude staff who:

  • Have been to any close or casual contact locations in NSW or Interstate places of high concern.
  • Have COVID-19 symptoms: fever (37. 5°C or higher) or symptoms of COVID-19.
  • Are a close contact of a person with confirmed COVID-19 and are within their self-isolation period.
  • Live in a household with a person who is currently self-isolating.
  • Are waiting for a COVID-19 test result.

Once again, all Providers are reminded to monitor updates and guidance issued by the Department of Health and the health authorities in the state where they operate, for updates on areas of active community transmission, and to maintain vigilance to prevent the introduction of COVID-19.  


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