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Making the most of local social opportunities

A group of senior people happily huddling together outdoors

The Australian Government subsidises a range of Social Support options to help older people maintain or make new connections. This also comes with the added security of having professional and caring staff to support any particular care needs a person may have.

Care Connect often talks about the positive physical and mental health outcomes of being socially active and engaged. Yes, we are all different, so Care Connect would like to tell you about a few options because it’s important to know that there is something to suit everyone.

1. Social Support Groups:

These group-based activities are usually held in a centre that is often purpose-built to provide structured and planned activities, lunch & morning/afternoon tea, transport to and from the centre if required, and professional staff support and supervision. Sometimes groups may offer outside activities such as a walking group or outings in the local area.

2. Individual Social Support or In-home Respite:

Support Workers can come to your home and spend time doing activities you enjoy, or they can assist you in getting involved in activities in your community.

Please call your Care Manager to have a chat about your interest in exploring these or other social options that may work for you.


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