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Can my Home Care Package pay for assistive technology products?

Technology is moving faster than most of us can keep up with, which can seem daunting and overwhelming for many older people. However, technology can bring so many amazing benefits to our lives.

The process of deciding whether your package can or cannot pay for certain technology products is something your Care Manager can work through with you to make sure it aligns with your assessed care needs and is documented in your care plan.

You may also be interested in discussing how you can potentially use your home care package to learn HOW to use technology products in a meaningful way for you. This will also help to demonstrate that purchasing the product directly links to your care needs.


*Aids & equipment (particularly those that assist a person to perform daily living tasks), devices that assist mobility, communication, and personal safety. Typically, the the most basic and suitable technology option will be funded.


Please speak with your Care Manager for tailored advice and to discuss the suitability of purchasing products and services as part of your funding. You can also visit our Care Connect website to read more.

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