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COTA Australia works consistently to consult with older people to understand their opinions and to influence government reforms in home care.

woman and her father smiling at a laptop screen

COTA Australia has shared the results from their most recent survey aimed to understand insights and opinions about the Department of Health’s Support at Home Program reforms. This feedback will be used to help design the new system.


Survey respondents said their priority concerns are about having a clear understanding of:

  • fees and charges; receiving value for money (97%)
  • services being offered (96%)
  • support plans changing as needs change (95%)
  • maintaining independence (94%)
  • deciding their level of involvement in their care plan development (92%)


More consultations are planned to ensure the voice of older Australians remains a top priority in all future updates in home care services.


Everyday Care Connect strives to have a positive impact and make life easier. With this in mind, the team welcomes your feedback on the services you receive. This helps Care Connect make meaningful improvements to the care and services delivered to you.

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