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Care Connect appointed to provide care finder program services in Eastern and South Eastern Melbourne suburbs

“With a goal to ensure that nobody misses out on the aged care services to which they are entitled, the new care finder program is a fundamental part of Australia’s aged care system, and the missing link in My Aged Care.”
– Paul Ostrowski, CEO, Care Connect Ltd.

14 February, 2023: We are proud to have been appointed to the care finder network* through both the Eastern Melbourne and South Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Networks (PHNs), to provide support to members of our community who would otherwise struggle to navigate the Aged Care process.

In a system that places emphasis on the importance of a person’s choice and control over their care, the commonwealth-funded care finder program exists to help vulnerable people – who have no one else who can support them – to connect with aged care services and supports, so they too can experience quality care, with respect and dignity, as they age – an essential part of making the aged care system fair, accessible, and kind.

The reasons older people might miss out on receiving care are diverse; there may be language barriers, cultural differences, digital or limited literacy, a disability, or reluctance to engage with aged care or the government, amongst many others.

Care Connect looks forward to working in partnership with the Primary Health and care finder Networks to help address the health disadvantages experienced by many older people in the community. We are committed to ensuring the success of this program, by continuing to provide the highest level of localised support and connectivity that we already deliver to thousands of older Australians who entrust us with their care,” Paul adds.

Care Connect will provide access to aged care, and other relevant support, through the care finder program in the Local Government Areas (LGAs) of:

Eastern Melbourne:
Knox, Manningham, Maroondah, Monash, Yarra Ranges
For further information, visit: www.emphn.org.au.
Email: info@emphn.org.au. Phone: (03) 9046 0300

South Eastern Melbourne:
For further information, visit: www.semphn.org.au
Email:  info@semphn.org.au. Phone: 1300 331 981

To find out if you (or someone you know) are eligible for services through the care finder program in Eastern or South Eastern Melbourne, please contact our compassionate specialists on: 1800 940 633, or via email: carefinderenquiries@careconnect.org.au.

If care finder services are required outside this area, contact My Aged Care: Freecall 1800 200 422.

If you do have access to the internet, you can find out more about the care finder program via: www.myagedcare.gov.au/help-care-finder. All communications are in confidence.

The care finder service is not available to everyone, but if you do not meet the criteria**, there are a range of other aged care support options available.

*Care finder Network Partners in Eastern and South Eastern Melbourne LGAs:

Bayside City Council, Better Place Australia, Council on the Ageing Victoria, DPV Health, healthAbility, Housing for the Aged Action Group, Merri Outreach Support Service, MiCare, Migrant Information Centre, Peninsula Health, Sacred Heart Mission, Star Health, The Salvation Army, Villa Maria Catholic Homes, Wintringham.

**About the care finder program:

The care finder program is a Commonwealth-funded aged care initiative. This free service is part of the governments’ response to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety’s recommendation for more localised and face-to-face supports to help connect older people to aged care services.

The program exists to support vulnerable people – who have no one else who can support them – to learn about, apply for, and set up aged care and support services.

To receive care finder support, a person must:

  • have no carer or support person who can help them, or
  • not have a carer or support person they feel comfortable or trust to support them, and
  • be eligible for government-funded aged care.

In addition, they should have one or more of these reasons for needing intensive support:

  • have difficulty communicating because of language or literacy problems
  • find it difficult to understand information and make decisions
  • be reluctant to engage with aged care or government
  • be in an unsafe situation if they do not receive services.

Care finder services will complement, not duplicate, the My Aged Care channels that provide access support to people who are able to navigate the system for themselves. This will include at-risk older people who may or may not already be receiving aged care services, as well as potential carers or family members who need assistance on behalf of the person.

The care finder service is supported by funding from Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network (EMPHN) and South East Melbourne Primary Health Network (SEMPHN) through the Australian Government’s PHN Program.

For more information, visit: www.myagedcare.gov.au/help-care-finder or Freecall: 1800 200 422



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