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Care Connect is committed to providing the best possible care.

Aged Care Quality Standards

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The delivery of home care services has changed over recent years, and there is much more focus on the clinical care and personal care needs of consumers receiving home care packages. 

Standard 3 of the Aged Care Quality Standards requires Care Connect to have a robust approach to guide our clinical assessment, monitoring, and reporting frameworks.  

In brief, this means Care Connect will: 

  • Include you, and those involved in your care, in every step of the assessment and care planning process; 
  • Refer to your initial comprehensive assessment completed by ACAT when you were first assessed for a home care package; 
  • Conduct our own assessments, including asking questions about your clinical care needs using Validated Assessment Tools, where appropriate; 
  • Refer you for specialised Clinical Assessments if required; 
  • Support you to build your knowledge and understanding of your clinical care needs and how best to meet those needs 
  • Identify and respond to risks relating to your clinical care needs; 
  • Create clear pathways for feedback, reporting, escalating and responding to clinical risks and issues;  
  • Ensure workers (including external contractors) have the necessary skills, training and support to provide best-practice clinical and personal care; 
  • Prioritise your home care funds to meet your clinical care needs and goals; and
  • Be accountable to you, our management and governing body, and the Aged Care Quality & Safety Commission.

You can help by keeping Care Connect informed if your needs change, participating in necessary assessments, and thinking ahead about how to minimise potential risks in your home environment.


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