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Do you know your rights as a consumer of aged care?

older women smiling and laughing opposite a care worker
The Aged Care Charter of Rights

The Charter of Aged Care Rights (the Charter) is a requirement of the Aged Care Act 1997. It describes your legislated rights as a consumer of a Government-subsidised aged care services. These rights apply to all consumers, regardless of the type of care and services they receive. 

The Charter makes it easy for you, as well as your family, carer or representative, to understand what should be expected from the care and services you receive from your aged care provider.   If you feel that your Aged Care Rights are not being upheld, please let Care Connect know and we will work with you to resolve any concerns.  

The booklet is available in 18 languages. Please let Care Connect know if you need further assistance accessing the booklet, or downloading and printing any resources.



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