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More about possible top-up services

Older man looking at a computer of screen being confused.

Each month you receive a Summary of Services that will show you the spend for the month and provide details of your available funds. Please take a look next month. Maybe you have some unspent funds that you can use in your Home Care Package first, if not other options may be available.

If you have utilised all available funds in your Home Care Package, there are times when Care Connect clients may need to access additional government programs to help to meet their assessed care needs. 

Here is a quick run-down of the main services that eligible consumers may receive at the same time as their home care package services: 

  • Community Visitors Scheme 
  • Continence Aids Payment Scheme 
  • Dept of Veterans Affairs (DVA) Programs Residential Respite Care 
  • Dementia Behaviour Management Advisory Services Palliative Care 
  • National Dementia Support Program 
  • Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) services

Care Connect can support you in applying for any of the above services, as there are strict criteria and a formal process that needs to be followed. 


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