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Meet Graham and Jocelyn

Meet Graham who lives with his wife Jocelyn. Graham takes pride growing pawpaws and enjoys a weekly Sunday swim with his son and family. He is also looking forward to celebrating his 80th birthday.

1. Challenges faced

Graham was struggling to find the information he needed when it came to applying for a Home Care Package, until he met Carissa. He was frustrated with the process and had begun using his own limited savings to support his needs at home.

2. Without a Care Manager

Due to Graham’s limited mobility, he may have continued to struggle with daily activities such as moving around his home, showering, and getting to the shops. Without the valuable opportunities Carissa is able to offer, living at home may have been challenging.

3. The Care Manager difference:

Carissa took the time to listen to Graham, and learn about his frustrations, where he was with his application and helped him gain access to a Home Care Package.
Carissa is passionate and proactive in providing opportunities to support Graham’s independence. His package is tailored to offer the freedom and independence he values.
Graham now benefits from a Level 3 package that has provided great support for him to live at home and helped ease the financial pressure.
Carissa partnered with Graham to develop a valuable care plan that led to a wide variety of services.
Carissa remains dedicated to making Graham’s life easier by arranging personal care, daily hydrotherapy and a mobility scooter, each contributing to Graham’s overall health and wellbeing goals.

Please speak with Care Connect to discuss the suitability of various products and services as part of your funding. It is a requirement that all products and services purchased within a package must align with the care plan, specifically the care goals, of that individual.


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