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Meet Kevin

Meet Kevin. He is a West Tigers fan, enjoys playing poker tournaments and has an active social life that includes attending BBQs with friends and seeing his neighbours.

Part of Kevin’s life needing support

Kevin has left and right above-knee amputation with a history of bowel and liver cancer. To remain independent, Kevin requires support around his house that compliments life in a wheelchair.

Solution without a Care Manager

Kevin could struggle to remain independent due to the challenges he faces with mobility. Living elsewhere may be his only option.

The Care Manager difference

“Ensuring Kevin’s environment was practical and safe was the key to supporting his independence.”

Aurelie arranged for an Occupational Therapist to conduct a home assessment. Recommendations for products and home modifications were made to support Kevin’s mobility and independence.

With support from Aurelie, ramps were installed. New equipment, including a commode chair, cushions, a new electric wheelchair and a car crane for disability access, were purchased using his Home Care Package funds. Domestic cleaning was also incorporated into his care plan to support living in a healthy home environment.

With a comprehensive care plan supporting his independence, health and happiness, Kevin now enjoys living at home.

Please speak with Care Connect to discuss the suitability of purchasing products and services as part of your funding. It is a requirement that all products and services purchased within a package must align with the care plan of that individual.


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