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Beat the Heat!

It will be particularly hard for people in NSW to fathom that it could actually get hotter this summer(!), but as we prepare for more of the warmer – and in some cases extreme – weather, it’s time to remember that we need to take extra special care to stay safe and well.

According to Health Direct, too much heat is not safe for anyone. It is even riskier if you are older, or have health problems. It is important to get relief from the heat quickly. If not, you might begin to feel confused or faint, and your heart could become stressed.

Here are a few things they recommend that you can do to lower the potential risks of over-heating:

  • Drink plenty of fluids, such as water or fruit or vegetable juices. Stay away from drinks containing alcohol or caffeine. If your doctor has told you to limit your liquids, ask what you should do when it is very hot.
  • Don’t try to exercise or do a lot of activities outdoors when it’s hot.
  • If you live in a home or apartment without fans or air conditioning, try to keep your house as cool as possible. Limit your use of the oven. Keep your shades, blinds, or curtains closed during the hottest part of the day. Open your windows at night.
  • Dress for the weather. Some people find natural fabrics, such as cotton, to be cooler than synthetic fibres.
  • Listen to weather reports. If the temperature or humidity is going up, or an air pollution alert is in effect, you are at increased risk for a heat-related illness
  • Get out to somewhere that is cool such as a shopping mall, the movies, your local library or community centre.

Need help getting out and about?  If you need help getting to a cool place, or a social activity, you can always ask a friend or relative, and some religious groups and community centres also provide this service. In addition, Care Connect can help you to access transport services for medical appointments, social events and activities or shopping, through either the Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP), or your Home Care Package.

To help make arrangements that suit your circumstances, please check your eligibility with your friendly Care Connect team by calling 1800 692 464. For transport to be accessible, you must have been assessed and found eligible through My Aged Care, and it must relate to the goals outlined in your Care Plan. Read more here.

Read more about what you can do to stay cool and safe this summer on the Health Direct website .

Warning: Headache, confusion, dizziness, or nausea could be a sign of a heat-related illness. If you feel unwell, shower, bathe, or sponge off with cool water and lie down and rest in a cool place. If you do not feel better after doing this , please contact your Doctor, Nurse on Call or call an ambulance.


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