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Stella’s Book of the Month

Cold Enough for Snow by Jessica Au. Since being published last year, this book has won a slew of major awards including the Prime Minister’s Literary Award and was the inaugural winner of the Novel Prize, an international prize which garnered 1,500 entries. 

Au beautifully observes the dynamics between a mother and daughter as they travel through Japan. Whilst visiting galleries and temples, and sharing many meals together, their talk fluctuates from the everyday seemingly superficial, to the more profound discussions of formative experiences. All the while, their relationship shifts through what is being said and what remains unsaid. At times there is a close tenderness between them and at other times, the distance seems insurmountable.  

This book deserves the recognition and awards it has received. Au is an extraordinary writer who has crafted the work in such a way I found myself slowing my reading. Reading the book felt like meditation, a beautiful and surprising state to find yourself it. Interviews with writers and other book reviews are available on Stella’s YouTube channel, Thirty Books.  www.youtube.com/ThirtyBooks 


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