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Share your SPARK

A close-up image of an older lady smiling. She has her chin rested on her hand.

This month we are being encouraged to share our spark to create more awareness around Parkinson’s, a progressive neurological condition that can affect anyone.

Parkinson’s is complex, with a wide variety of symptoms that start to appear when the brain can’t make enough dopamine to control movement properly. According to Parkinson’s Australia, the three main, and commonly recognised symptoms are tremor, slowness of movement and rigidity. However, with close to 50 symptoms, the complexity of Parkinson’s is severely underestimated.

Each day, up to 50 Australians are diagnosed with Parkinson’s.

The average age of diagnosis is 65 years, although younger people can also be diagnosed with Parkinson’s – known as Young Onset Parkinson’s.

To support your community, friends and loved ones this Parkinson’s Awareness month, have as many conversations as you can about Parkinson’s – what it is, and how it affects individuals, caregivers and families – and help to improve the lives of people affected by Parkinson’s across Australia.

For more information and support, visit:


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