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Getting a Home Care Package – helping older Australians live at home longer

We were thrilled when Dr Sally Cockburn from 3AW (Talking Health) asked us to talk to her listeners on Sunday 11 March about how older Australians can stay living at home longer.

Our CEO Paul Ostrowski explained what a Home Care Package is and how to access one. He talked about the types of services people access and the importance of choosing a provider that offers truly independent advice.

“Home Care Packages are all about choices for people as we age. Most of us have the perception that we’ve got only one pathway – that ultimately we will end up in a nursing home or residential care. But these days the vast majority of us want to stay living at home. There are lots of different models of care out there. The way we work at Care Connect is we give you an adviser to help you navigate the aged care system. Our advisers sit down and learn about what’s important to you, what your challenges are, what you want to do and then we develop a plan for that. That plan might be simple or it might be quite detailed. What we then do is work with your package of funding and link you with the best organisation we know to deliver your services” says Paul.

To listen to the interview click here – the interview starts at 43.30

To find out how we can help you access a Home Care Package or if you want to bring your Home Care Package to us call us on 1800 MYCHOICE (Free call 1800 692 464) or visit careconnect.org.au


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