New ‘Fluad Quad’ vaccine
Seniors are being advised to get flu shot early. New ‘Fluad Quad’ vaccine designed for older adults is available in Australia to help prevent ‘double up’ with Coronavirus.
Pharmacies around the country can now offer free monthly express deliveries on prescriptions through a new, contactless, initiative from Australia Post.
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An information sheet for older Australians, their family and friends about how to protect older Australians from the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). https://www.health.gov.
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The most important thing we can all do to minimise risk is to prevent avoidable transmission.
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Being exposed to large volumes of negative information can heighten feelings of anxiety and while it is reasonable for people to be concerned about the outbreak of coronavirus, try to remember that...
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Ambulance Victoria’s definitive guide to social distancing. Know it. Do it. Expect it from each other.
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